Hello guys Back here Again With New Helpful Article on Which We will Learn how To index A website/blog on yahoo/bing search engine so lets Get started
so first of all Goto that Link https://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster/ and signup with your google account as your wish which account you want to use i recommend You to use Google account
After signing in You are on this page in which you have to link your blog/website to bing search engine
Here You can Put You blog or site URL After Typing Url Click on add
after clicking on add You will be redirected to this form

 Now you have to fill this form as your real information Complete So lots of guys have facing adding sitemap issue sitemap is the most import part in any type of indexing let me show you what is sitemap
let suppose this is your site url "https://yoursiteuel.blogspot.com"
and you want to know that how to get on sitemap .simple  type sitemap.xml After your URL you will ber redirected to your sitemap

 So now the most important part in our article Lot of peoples Don't know How to add html Code in Head Branch of our theme So simply copy that code which is given by bing for verification And goto your blog >Theme>edit html>Now Find <head> And paste the verification code below The Head After pasting the code you have to save the theme
 Now Wait 5 seconds And Click on Verification Let me show you It will Work or Not

 Yeah Its Work Now Our Site Is in the Que Of bing Search Engine And Will be indexed in mean time
 If You want to update your site map Here is the picture in which i will show you how to update the site map
the indexing may take long depend upon the site
Now we have done this Work After Few Days We Will Be in Bing Search Engine

Hope You guys finds this article helpful for more updates Stay Connected