If You Have Issues With You Blog or Website With Adsense And Not Able To Approve Your Site With Adsense Then You Are At Right Place . Here I will Show You How to Get Adsense Approval Fast (In Just 4 Days).
So lets Start .

Adsense Policies

 If You Want to Serve Ads on your Website Or Blog then You have to follow Some policies Guidelines .Lets Discuss This First
Policies For Adsense 
  • First Of All Your site or Blog Is Fully Unique (I will Discuss This In The Next Step)
  • Your Site Have Minimum Amount Of Content.
  • Your Site Must Be Secured .
  • The Only Thing If You have Another Account Then You Are Not Able to Approve.
  • If you Are Using Traffic Bots Or third Party Then You Are Not Able TO Use Adsense.
  • If your Content Contain  Nudity or Any type Of Adult Content Or Type Of Invalid Content Including Violent Content , Hate Speech, Hacking ,Cracking And Fake News .
  •  As you Know Adsense Is A Part Of Google And Google Will Track Single Traffic In your Adsense Account or Blog And Website So be True Person .
SO Lets Discuss One By One
  • Copyrighted material

    If Your Site Contain A Single copyrighted line then you are not able to Get adsense Approval .
    For Checking Copyright text Use Grammerly Plagairsm Checker .
    Make Sure If you Have Any type Of Copyrighted material You are not able to get approval .
    Because Adsense Have value of Unique Content So that's Why Adsense Have Strict Rules For Copy Righted Material .
    •  Minimum Content 

      If Your Site Does not Compile With Adsense Policies Then the Main Issue occur is less Content . Make Sure You Have Atleast 18 Unique Posts And Per Post Contains 500+ Words 
      If You want to apply with Blogspot Domain  Then You Need some Time In this Time The Earning Menu Is Enabled In Your adsense Account If You Have New Blogger Account then You See This Message in adsense Earning Tab 
      Get Adsense Approval Fast
      You See That The New Blog Is Not qualify For Adsense Now the Only thing That you have to do Is Wait .
    • Another Adsense Account. 

      If You have Another adsense Account then Your Application Is In Like the Spams In adsense Office If You have Old Disapproved Adsense Account And You Didn't Get The Cancel Account Button I already Have Post An Article About How to Close Disapproved Adsense Account Read This Article And solve your Issue.
    • Invalid Traffic

      As You Know Adsense Is A Part Of Google And Google Will Track Any Kind Of Traffic If you Are using Third Party Traffic Or Traffic Bot Then You are not Able To get Adsense Approval For Solving This Index Your Site In different Search Engine . If You Don't Know How to index Site in search engine then Read This Article 
      • Content Policy 

        If  Your site Contains Any kind Of Nudity or Any Kind Of Hate Speech Including Hacking And Cracking Content Then YOu are not able to Get Adsense Approval.


      To Conclude the Upper Discussion If you want to Get Adsense Approval Then You Need To follow these instruction .
      The Main Issue Which Is occur in Adsense Approval Is Policy Violations so Read Carefully About Policy Guidelines .

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